Sunday, May 4, 2008

Stephen King
Stephen King has been labeled one of Americas best horror fiction writers of all time . With his first string of best sellers starting in 1974 with Carrie. For more than the last thirty years he has entertained us all and built a multi-media empire with several of his novels being transformed for television or the big screen such as The Shining, Firestarter, Misery, The Dead Zone & Pet Sematary, to name a few.
Having sold 350 million copies of his books King has certainly earned his name a as a true leader in his field. King's list of books has grown at such an astounding pace some may wonder how one man could have such an extensive imagination far surpassing his fans expectations.
King has not only wow'd us with his horror but has also branched out into other writing styles such as science fiction, fantasy, short fiction & non fiction, just to name a few.
However his horror fans are die hard so here you go.

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